I bet you have a lot of questions

Or maybe you don’t. Either way, here are some questions I can answer and three unclickable icons that sums up my character.

  • International
  • Caffine-driven
  • Programmer

How long have you been a programmer?

A couple years now. I’d probably be pushing papers right now if it wasn’t for Covid denying me of an office job in 2020.

What are you working on?

I’m currently working on optimizing and implementing e-commerce solutions for various brands; Samsung, Lecta, Grupo Cadarso to name a few.

What's the website for

Well, all the cool kids have one so I figured I might as well get one.

Some personal history

Tech or not, here’s what I’ve done

  • Backend Engineer

    At SEIDOR, I aim to develop, customize and implement SAP Commerce Cloud solutions in collaboration with our outstanding team of Developers, Business Analysts and Project Managers to meet business requirements and improve customer experience.

  • Software Engineer

    My first job in tech. At ChungYo group, I developed web browsers for Windows, Android and iOS, utilizing a wide selection of tools and programming languages.

  • Unemployment


  • Freight Forwarder

    Basically a sales job where I make a crap ton of cold calls each day asking companies if they got stuff to ship import or export. Then Covid happened and I was getting way too many resenting f-k offs, so I did.

  • Administrative Specialist

    It's a managerial postition in a leather processing plant in Cambodia where I speedrun every possible task for every position in the plant at least once and moved on.

  • Obligated Military Service

    Welp, that's four months of my life I'm never getting back.

  • English Teacher

    A part-time job I picked up in college that involved teaching English to school kids that were falling behind their peers.

  • College

    Arguably the most laid back years of my life. I studied at National Pingtung University in Taiwan where I earned my Bachelor of Arts in English.


Call me beep me if you wanna reach me.